We partner with Young Mind Center to offer a wide range of trainings and consultation services to individuals and organizations who would like to learn more about autism and neurodevelopment disorders, evaluations and assessment measures, behavior management, leadership development, and more.
Graduate + Undergraduate Internships
We partner with local universities including Arizona State University, Grand Canyon University, Northern Arizona University, Nova Southeaster, Florida Institute of Technology, and Chicago School of Professional Psychology to serve as a training site for graduate students and undergraduate students in the fields of applied behavior analysis, psychology, and speech language pathology. Please contact your school’s training director for more information about our training site and application process.
Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Residency
As a member of the Arizona Psychology Training Consortium (AZPTC) and the Association for Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC), Young Mind Center offers a postdoctoral residency specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Please contact us for more information about the residency and application process.